PROP (Predicting Ruptures on Operating Pipeline) Systems deploys proven advanced web-based technologies that safely protect customers and businesses by using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics to prevent aging natural gas pipeline ruptures which cause harmful emissions and deadly explosions. We continuously modify our algorithms in response to changes discovered in the dynamic environment of weather and underground infrastructure.
Ongoing Communications
PROP Systems will frequently communicate with its clients, soliciting additional feedback to allow us to develop and provide customized recommended responses. Targeted responses translate to lower system risk.
Corporate Integrity
PROP Systems will treat all stakeholders with respect and perform all services in a safe, ethical, and professional manner. Our founder believes in the words, duty-honor-safety! We encourage our clients to prioritize safety over profits.

25+ Years' Experience
Our proactive strategies and algorithms will improve daily operations, resource management, advise people, companies, regulators, and trial lawyers who assist clients in obtaining safe, fair, and successful outcomes. The nation’s aging natural gas infrastructure continues to age and is still leak prone. Gas leaks continue to damage or destroy homes and buildings throughout the U.S. Despite the numerous meetings and decisions of elected and governmental regulatory officials as well as actions by the utility companies, blasts and emissions from gas leaks are adversely affecting lives and destroying confidence and property.
John F. Kennedy’s challenge
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what can you do for your country?” PROP Systems founder believes in the slogan “duty, honor, safety.”
PROP Systems has successfully exhausted the possible list of traditional stakeholders and trade allies who might have expressed interest in advancing the field of predictive analytics. Most agree about the need for predictive analytics but refuse to deploy effective technologies. PROP Systems has developed the unconventional back-door strategy of also teaming up with trial lawyers and their clients. An empowered trial attorney industry will compel the natural gas transmission and distribution companies to adopt and deploy predictive analytics to help protect the public.
Contact Us Today
877 710 7926
Our Services
Using information
Using information developed from PROP Systems proprietary database to provide pipeline operator advisory services during extreme weather (cold or warm) periods.
Using data from our models
Using data from our models and pipeline operators’ metadata, we will interact with pipeline operators and advise them of stopgap possibilities to safely extend the life of selected aging pipes which are proven to continue to operate safely.
Forensic analysis
Lessons learned will become more effective, with PROP Systems data included.
Using social media
Using social media, PROP Systems evaluates current gas emissions/ explosions and water main breaks almost in real-time to provide possible leads to trial attorneys for potential representation.
Expert witness
Expert witness/ panelist services to support trial attorneys who handle cases involving gas emissions and explosions.
ruptures on

technology and justice for all
PROP Systems technologies exist to level the safety, technological and business playing fields by providing stakeholders from backgrounds, such as engineering, legal, social and leadership with access to the same internet-based tools required to achieve success.
Getting Started with Our Consulting Services
PROP Systems specializes in predictive analysis of broken/ ruptured natural gas and water piping distribution systems.
PROP Systems looks forward to working with clients on a case-by-case basis.